Thursday, June 16, 2011

Solar Rose® Flower Crystal Elixir

Solar Rose® Flower Crystal Elixir

Flower and Gem Elixirs are wholistic tools of an ancient alchemical healing system. This alchemical technology of flower and crystal elixirs was utilized by enlightened civilizations that honored the reverence of life essence in plant and mineral.

Flowers heal through aroma, taste and beauty. Flower essences are the spiritual and energetic substance of the bloom.

Crystals are transmitters, receivers and amplifiers of energy. They aid in bringing the energy of the mineral world into our lives. We have a strong cellular connection to minerals. The transmission of memory from the collective consciousness of motherhood and from Mother Earth is encoded in our bones.

Solar Rose® Flower Crystal Elixir interfaces with human consciousness by an alchemical process designed to unify the inner and outer worlds. This particular elixir offers blessings to the heart while clearing the energetic patterns of the past throughout the maternal lineage. The essence of Solar Rose® softens and heals the heart with love to forgive the past pain that women have endured and encoded in their bones.

Roses have thorns to protect the sacredness of the heart of the flower. A woman’s heart is her connection to the Earth. Solar Rose® Flower Crystal Elixir facilitates an initiation of a woman’s journey in life from healing into sweetness.

Solar Rose® Flower Crystal Elixir blossoms by manifesting sweetness, richness and the prosperity of giving and receiving Love.

“My star seed is Sweetness”